Boundary First Flattening
A plugin that brings the open source UV Mapping project Boundary First Flattening to Cinema 4D.
Easily unwrap your models with minimal UV distortion.
To use the plugin you must have a Polygon Object selected.
Available for OSX (Intel CPUs) and Windows for R20, R21, S22, R23, S24, R25, S26 and 2023.
Not supported on Apple Silicon machines.

- Updated to using the Boundary First Flattening code base 1.4
- Added the Texture View to bundle
- Texture View now has options for UV unwrapping. These are displayed at the top of the dialog if you own a license of the BFF plugin
- Main menu button now brings up a dialog by default, previously it applied mapping with an optional dialog.
- The BFF dialog now also has a button to open the Texture View.
- Additional changes to improve stability.
- Message dialogs will now appear if your object is not able to be mapped by some the algorithms.
- The plugin will no longer adjust the point ordering of your model.

OSX support has now been added for R20 to R25.
Intel TBB support has been added for both OSX and Windows to add multi-threading of certain operations. This has lead to a speed up of the algorithm. More multi-threading work will be done in future to increase the performance.
The Intel MKL and Intel TBB libraries are also being used on OSX, leading to a significant speed up for the algorithm.
Using the BFF plugin
Available from the "Plugins 4D" menu.
Press the BFF command to open the dialog.

Or open the Texture View from the "Plugins 4D" menu and use the buttons at the top.

Meshes that do not have disk or sphere topology will be automatically cut for flattening. In this case pressing the Disk or Map To Sphere button may just result in the same uv mapping as the Automatic button.