Stamp Stencil View
A dialog for Cinema 4D to easily let you change your current Stamp or Stencil when sculpting.
Compatible with Cinema 4D R20 to R25 on both OSX and Windows.
- Left Click any image in the Stamp Tab to use as a Stamp.
- Left Click any image in the Stencil Tab to use as a Stencil.
- Right Click on any image to set as a Stamp or Stencil.
- Dock it in your Sculpting layout for easy access to stamps and stencils.
- Can be used with Sculpting tools and the 4D Paint brushes for setting stamps and stencils.
- This dialog can also be used to display all the textures in the lib4d files that you have installed. You can enable them from your preferences.

- Set a Stamps/Alphas folder
- Set a Stencils folder
- Parse the C4D Content Browser Libraries (makes the dialog loading time longer)
- Parse all your User Libraries (makes the dialog loading time longer)
- Note: You will need to restart C4D after setting these preferences.

Dock into your sculpting layout
Dock into your sculpting layout for easy access while sculpting
Important Notes
- When you first open the dialog it will parse all the images in the folders set in the preferences and create smaller thumbnail version in a folder called p4dthumbnails.
- It is best to just have the textures all in a single folder. However the plugin will recursively scan all subfolders, but if there are lots of images it may take a while to create the thumbnails.
- Enabling the Content Browser and User Library parsing options can significantly slow down the opening of the dialog. This will also make it slow to switch to a layouts if you have docked the diloag into that custom layout. Only enable these options if you really need them.
Features Overview
- Two custom tabs that you can use to put in your own stencils and stamps. For images to appear in these tabs you will need to add the folders where these are located to the "Plugins 4D -> Stamp Stencil View" Preferences, then restart Cinema 4D.
- Left Click any image in the Stamp Tab to use as a Stamp. If you have a sculpting brush active then this will set the Stamp on that sculpt brush.
- Left Click any image in the Stencil Tab to use as a Stencil. If you have a sculpting brush active then this will set the Stencil on that sculpt brush.
- Double Click to open the image in the Picture Viewer.
- Right Click and choose "Use as Stamp" or "Use as Stencil". This will set the stencil or stamp on your current sculpt brush or paint brush.
- Drag and Drop onto a Material on the Material View to fill the currently active Layer, on that material, with the texture.
- Drag and Drop into the BP Texture Viewer to open as a texture.
- Drag and Drop into the BP Material tab to create a new material with this texture in its color channel.
- View all the images and textures in all the Standard Libraries that ship with Cinema 4D. Enable this feature from the "Plugins 4D -> Stamp Stencil view" preferences.