In early versions of Cinema 4D (pre R21) some editions didn't have Physics.
This was a solution to at least give all users the basics of RigidBodies using a simplified integration of the Bullet Physics engine.
Documentation can be found here
This plugin does not come with any support and there is no guarantee of any updates.

Step 1: Add a Rigid Body Tag
Right Click on any object to add a Rigid Body tag.

Step 2: Select your collision type
From the Collision Type drop down select the collision shape that you wish to use. By default it will choose the following based on the geometry
- Automatic: Chooses the most appropriate collision type based on your object.
- Cube: A cube shape around the bounding box of the object.
- Sphere: A sphere around the bounding box of the object. Or if its a sphere object it will use its radius.
- Cylinder: A cylinder shape.
- Capsule: A capsule shape.
- Convex Hull: Builds a convex hull around the object that closely fits its shape.
- Static Floor: Creates an endless plane collision object. This is static and can’t be moved. Use a plane or floor object with this type to set the floor.
- Static Mesh :Uses the exact geometry of the object. This object is static and can not be moved. It is able to have holes within its geometry. It also supports compound objects by including all its child objects in the mesh shape.

Step 3: Place your objects
You must first ensure that you are at the start frame of your animation, ie frame 0. You can only edit the position of objects when you are at this time.
Now you can move your objects around in your scene.
The Physics Simulation will start as soon as you press play.
You can animate the "Enable" option to tell objects when to start simulating.
Set your object to "Dynamics Off" to manually animate an object in the scene but have it collide with all other simulated objects.
Set a custom Mass or let it calculate it for you based on its real world volume.
Set an initial velocity and rotation. Use in conjunction with the Enabled flag to trigger objects so they are immediately moving in your scene.

Set the friction on objects to stop them sliding around
Includes support for Array objects.
4D Publish owners can also export out to 3D PDF.